How to Draw Anime Hair Over One Eye
This tutorial shows how to draw an anime hairstyle that covers one eye. It consists of six steps with illustrated examples and a line by line drawing video.

In anime and manga this type of hair tends to be used for characters that have a shy personality. The hairstyle has some variations but of course it’s most defining characteristic is that it only shows one eye.
You can see preview of the main drawing stages in the image above but there are additional examples provided in some of the steps.
If you are going to be following along with the tutorial using pencil and paper stat with light lines as you will need to erase part of the drawing in one of the steps. Light lines will also make it easier to correct mistakes.
Above you can see the video for drawing the “one eye covered” hairstyle. It’s recommended that you both watch it and read the instructions below (whatever order you prefer).
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Step 1 – Make a Drawing of the Head & Shoulders

Begin by creating a basic outline of the head and neck with a little bit of the shoulders. As this tutorial focuses on the hair it will not go into the details of drawing these but you can simply refer to the example above.
If you would like to know how to draw the facial features that can go well this this hairstyle see the following:
How to Draw Anime Characters Tutorial
Step 2 – Draw the Hair Along the Forehead & Over the Eye Area

Begin the drawing by outlining the front section of the hair. Make it shorter on one side and much longer on the other (running all the way down past the ear and covering the upper side of the face).
In the examples the different sections of the hair are shown in different colors to make it easier to distinguish between them. You can however simply draw all of them in regular pencil.
For an explanation of this approach see the following tutorial:
How to Draw Anime and Manga Hair – Female
Step 3 – Draw the Hair Along the Sides of the Head

Draw the side sections of the hair (shown in green) with the one on the open side of the face curving slightly around the head and splitting into several small clump on the end. Draw the one on the other side coming out from below the front sections and curving around the side of the head as it goes up. You can also give it a split on it’s bottom end.
Step 4 – Draw the Hair on Top & at the Back of the Head

Draw the last part of the hair starting at the top and following the curve of the head as it goes down. You can then give it a small upwards curving clump on each side. To finish the part of the hair draw a series of smaller clumps between the sides of the hair (green parts) and the neck.

Finally clean up the drawing by erasing the parts of the head that are covered by the hair. In case you are wondering why you needed to fully outline the head to then erase most of it, the reason is to help avoid mistakes. When you can see the shape of the head it make it easier to shape the hair. You can also see exactly how much volume you are giving it.
For more good drawing practises see the following:
Beginner Guide to Drawing Anime & Manga
For common mistakes see:
Common Mistakes When Drawing Anime & Manga
Once you have the cleaned up drawing you can then darken your lines by tracing over them.
Step 5 – Outline the Highlights

To make the hair look shiny you can add two rows of little highlights (reflections).
There are several ways you can create these:
- Outline the highlights as shown in the example above and shade/color around them.
- Create the highlights as you shade.
- Add the highlights over top of the hair color/shading (using a white correction pen in drawing on paper or as a new layer if drawing digitally).
For more variations anime and manga style hair highlights see the following tutorial:
Different Ways to Draw Anime Hair Highlights
Step 6 – Add Shading to Finish the “Hair Over One Eye” Drawing

Either shade the hair with a regular pencil or make it any color you prefer (as this is anime hair you can go with just about anything).

Finally add some shadows. Start by fulling shading the background part of the hair between the neck and the sides.

Next add shadows along the sides and bottom of the clump of the front hair section.

Finally add the shadows along the side sections.

Keep in mind that the shadows can shift depending on the type of lighting conditions. The type of shading shown in this example is appropriate for scenes that take place outdoors during the daytime indoors.
As mentioned at the start of the tutorial, in anime and manga the hairstyle with one eye fully covered is fairly common for characters with a shy personality. While it may have some variations the example shown in this guide is fairly characteristic of this type of hair as well as anime hair in general.
If you enjoy these types of easy to follow step by step tutorials you should also see the following:
- How to Draw Anime “Hime Cut” Hairstyle
- How to Draw Anime Pigtails Hair
- How to Draw an Anime Ponytail (6 Steps)
- How to Draw Messy Anime Hair
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- How to Draw Scared Anime or Manga Eyes
- How to Draw Anime Face Side View (With Proportions)